Sunday, April 15, 2012

"il concetto con la quadriglia dei colori primari (computer aided)"

an ample white space, with all entrances covered by white cloth so as to ensure that all viewers, once having entered the space are presented with a consistent white background;

the floor is sky blue;

in the center of the space there is a white podium, upon which sits a computer (also white); this computer is used to play and control a series of musical compositions written for rather slow, softly-paced quadrilles; (may possibly be substituted by minuets or waltzes)

actors consist of 8 subjects, divided into 4 couples; they are nude, though this fact is somewhat obfuscated by their being entirely covered in white body/face paint from head to toe;

the subjects dance (quadrilles, minuets, or waltzes) to the series of musical compositions, occasionally pausing and sitting in white chairs, stationed on the edges of the space; next to the chairs are small white tables, upon which sits one glass for each of the subjects, and large pitchers filled with fresh orange juice; the subjects rest and drink, and talk, then recommence to dance;

all of the subjects are attached to an IV drip, of whole blood, which is carried on the typical pole stand on casters, which they must manage as they dance;

[artist's note: the only question is the hair color of each subject, that is, whether it's also white, or remains natural]