["medieval chapter"]
site-specific re-creation of the installation "La Malattia Rossa"
In the process of making and re-making this work, I've come to understand that it is at least in part about the intrinsic flaws of two seemingly opposite extremes, both of which are portrayed here by the same shared symbol, being overcome by an intrinsic flaw of the middle: An inertia of sorts, that augments susceptability, and perhaps even perpetuates atrophy. While it appears to me that the extremes seem to allow for, if not actually provoke, the opportunity for antibody production. All of which leads me to suspect that my next set of images (i.e. interrogations) will center around distinguishing this seemingly static cycle from the real mutations, though I may likely prefer to focus on the progressive as opposed to the regressive ones, which I'm sensing will be somewhere in this direction:
"Man has, as it were, become a kind of prosthetic God. When he puts on all his auxiliary organs, he is truly magnificent; but those organs have not grown on him and they still give him much trouble at times."
- Sigmund Freud